Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Operation Cupcake

The idea/inspiration for this blog was twofold.  First, we wanted to donate cupcakes to a deserving Soldier or group of Soldiers once a week for a year in honor of Kaia's Daddy who is currently deployed to Afghanistan.  Second, it was to practice and improve my cupcake making. 

But, as our bright friends have pointed out, this is probably a bridge too far right now as frosted cupcakes last, at best, about four days and it takes most care packages at least 10 days to reach their recipients, the cupcakes would probably be moldy and not very tasty by the time they arrived.

So, instead, we're just going to try at least one new flavor of cupcake every week for a year (that's 52 different varities of cupcakes!) and donate them to friends, family, neighbors, anyone nearby who wants to take them really.  We'll make a variety of our favorites for Kaia's Daddy when he comes home and we'll share all of our recipes with you and our reviews of each cupcake once we've made them.

1 comment:

Tonia Sanders said...

This is a great idea! I love it. Can't wait to check in each week to see which cupcakes you'll be sharing.